Focus: for the over-active mind

The inability to focus isn’t just for kids. Both adults and children can struggle, and the struggle is real. Lack of focus can affect performance at work, school and at home. Oftentimes, the inability to concentrate can cause stress and anxiousness as well. Here are some things to help.


Essential Oils:

  • In a 10ml rollerball, add the following:

  • 20 drops Frankincense

  • 20 drops Balance

  • 15 drops Wild Orange

  • 15 drops Rosemary

  • 1ml InTune

  • Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil

  • Apply on the back of the neck several times throughout the day.  

  • Roll in the palms of your hands and inhale before a presentation, test or when you need to focus.

Purchase all the oils for Attention & Focus here - Purchase Here

Purchase a pre-made “Super Focus” rollerball - Purchase Here


Additional Boost:

Additional Modalities:

  • Water! - Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every single day to stay hydrated. Your brain is approximately 80% water and most people are chronically dehydrated! It’s no wonder why so many suffer from attention issues. Drink up! If you can get a quality water filter, even better, I prefer the Berkey Water Filtration System.

  • Exercise - Physical activity immediately boosts the brain's dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which affect focus and attention. This is critical!

  • Dietary changes - Nutrition is the foundation to health! Most people are not getting enough quality foods in their diets or they have undiagnosed food sensitivities that cause brain fog. Quality nutrition, quality probiotics (I recommend PB Assist+) and healthy fats can help improve focus. I love dōTERRA Greens that provides you with additional servings of cruciferous greens as a delicious drink!

  • Chiropractic care - This can make a big difference in your ability to focus. There are certain parts of your central nervous system that run along your spine that are responsible for attention and focus.